The Importance of Bringing an ID to Concerts in Denver, CO

As a music industry expert, I have attended countless concerts in Denver, CO and have been asked numerous times about the necessity of bringing an ID. The short answer is yes, you do need to bring an ID to a concert in Denver, CO. However, there are some important details and exceptions that you should be aware of.

Why Is an ID Required?

First and foremost, bringing an ID to a concert is a safety measure. Concert venues want to ensure that everyone in attendance is of legal age and that minors are not consuming alcohol or engaging in other illegal activities.

By checking IDs, they can also prevent any potential issues with underage attendees trying to enter the venue. Additionally, bringing an ID can also help with ticket verification. Many concerts have age restrictions or require proof of purchase for certain tickets. By having your ID on hand, you can easily verify your age or ticket purchase if needed.

What Types of IDs Are Accepted?

The most commonly accepted form of ID at concerts in Denver, CO is a government-issued photo ID such as a driver's license or passport. These IDs are considered the most reliable and difficult to fake.

However, some venues may also accept other forms of identification such as a school ID or military ID. If you are unsure about what types of IDs are accepted at a specific concert venue, it is always best to check their website or call ahead to confirm.

Are There Any Exceptions?

While bringing an ID is generally required at concerts in Denver, CO, there are some exceptions. For example, if you are attending a concert at a venue that is 18+ or 21+, you will most likely be required to show an ID at the door. However, if you are attending a concert at a venue that is all ages, an ID may not be necessary. Another exception is for children attending concerts with their parents or legal guardians. In this case, the parent or guardian's ID may be sufficient for both themselves and their child.

However, it is always best to check with the specific concert venue beforehand to confirm their policies.

What Happens If I Forget My ID?

If you forget your ID at home or lose it on the way to the concert, don't panic just yet. Some venues may have a policy in place for this situation. They may allow you to enter with a photocopy of your ID or with other forms of identification such as a credit card or birth certificate. However, it is important to note that this is not a guarantee and each venue may have different policies in place. It is always best to check with the specific concert venue beforehand to see if they have any alternative options for ID verification.

What If I Am Underage?

If you are under the legal drinking age in Colorado (21 years old), you may be wondering if you can still attend concerts in Denver, CO.

The answer is yes, but there are some restrictions. Firstly, if the concert is 21+, you will not be allowed to enter even if you have a valid ID. This is because the venue has chosen to only allow those of legal drinking age inside. However, if the concert is 18+ or all ages, you can still attend but will not be allowed to purchase or consume alcohol. It is important to note that if you are caught attempting to purchase or consume alcohol underage, you may be removed from the concert and potentially face legal consequences.

In Conclusion

In summary, bringing an ID to concerts in Denver, CO is generally required for safety and ticket verification purposes. The most commonly accepted form of ID is a government-issued photo ID, but some venues may accept other forms of identification.

There are exceptions for children attending with their parents or legal guardians, and some venues may have alternative options for ID verification if you forget your ID. If you are underage, you can still attend concerts but may not be allowed to purchase or consume alcohol. So next time you're heading to a concert in Denver, CO, make sure to bring your ID along with your ticket. It's always better to be safe than sorry and you don't want to risk missing out on an amazing concert experience because you forgot your ID at home.